Sunday, March 11, 2012

Writer's Digest Tutorials

Hello, everyone! If you are a novel writer or you may be or have written your screenplay, check out the video tutorials offered by Writer's Digest. They contain a lot of helpful information. Also visit their website for more video tutorials. Some of them you have to pay for, but many of them are free.

From the Editor
Writing takes patience, persistence, and determination. Rejection is the last thing we want to experience after pouring our heart and soul into our work. But, unfortunately, it happens. And when it does, you may be asking, Now What?  
Today's featured tutorial, Why Am I Getting Rejected?, provides constructive ways to deal with rejection. These proven strategies come from an editor's point of view and give you the insight you've been waiting for!  
Be looking for next week's newsletter where I'll highlight our newest tutorial. (I'm working on this tutorial as we speak and am very excited about bringing it to you next week!) Please also feel free to preview the many tutorials available to you through the Writer's Digest Tutorials site!  
Wishing you only the best!
Julie Oblander
Online Education Manager
Writer's Digest Tutorials

Featured Tutorial: Why Am I Getting Rejected?
For writing to be "rejection-proof" it must succeed on several levels, including content, presentation, and marketability. Join Writer's Digest Publisher Phil Sexton as he examines the most common reasons for rejection, and constructive ways to deal with it. 
You'll learn to see rejection from an editor's point of view, and discover proven strategies for successfully submitting your work. 
WHY AM I GETTING REJECTED? | 35-minute Tutorial Video 
What you'll learn: 
  • What factors influence a rejection
  • How you should respond to a rejection
  • What do they mean when they say ...? 
  • How to help ensure that your work has the best chance of getting accepted
  • What the rules are on resubmitting your work

Missed a previous tutorial? Try one of these...
A new tutorial is added every week at Writer's Digest Tutorials. Don't miss out!Subscribe today or download tutorials individually through the Writer's Digest Shop.

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