Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Script / Screenwriting Service

Treatments : $ 48.00 (2 - 3 pages; for scripts)

Edits/Proofread:  $48.00  (proofread for scripts)

Critique :  $58.00 ( for scripts)

Query Letters :  $28.00 (scripts/books): 

Synopsis :  $38.00 (script/books): 

Edits/ Proofread for Books:  $90.00

Critiques for Books:  $125.00

Are you writing a Short Story?  Now  I offer service for Short story writers as for the other services, the fees are flat.

Edits / Proofread for Short Stories: $30.00

Critiques for Short Stories: $30.00

( If you are not able to pay in full, the payment for any service can be made on installment - divided in half. If you would like to use my service, let me know whether you need  to pay on installment or can pay in full. I am willing to be flexible.)

Some people request edits and critiques together. If a writer wants both, to me this says the writer is not completely confident his or her script is ready. So I  recommend getting the critique first. Use the critique to redo the script. Once the script is just right, then request the edit.

However, there are script, screenplay, writers who insist on having both an edit and critique together.  So I offer an edit and critique combo at discount.

Edit &Critique Combo Discount: $66.00   This is a discount savings of $40.00

All payments are received by Paypal. If you cannot make Paypal payments you may mail payments in the form of cashier checks or money orders. NO personal checks

If you are interested in my services feel free to contact me at

Phone: (360) 696-4298

There's nothing like a good deal.

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Dear Readers,

Here is something that will interest you.

You have written a great script for a movie or series, but you just can't break through Hollywood. Don't get discouraged. You can develop your work into a web series. Read the following article. It discusses this topic.

 Keep in mind you must maintain a high level of writing and creativity as you would if your work were to be on TV and the big screen. Maintaining comparable quality will build an audience.


5 Tips for Your Webseries Production
imageplaceholderJeanne Veillette Bowerman
Online Editor

With the Internet, there are more ways than ever for writers to be discovered. Rebecca Norris takes Script's readers on her own ride of creating her webseries.

If you've thought about writing a webseries of your own, don't miss Rebecca's webinar on Monday, November 17th onWriting the Web Series, now ON SALE until November 14, 2014. You do not have to attend the live event to get a recording of the presentation.

by Rebecca Norris

You finally made it. All that work in development and pre-production (and a year’s worth of articles on the subject!) and we’re finally here, your first day of production on your web series! 

Now is when the hard work you (hopefully) did in pre-production will pay off, and you’ll be grateful for all of those 4 AM work nights and the stressing and binge drinking and hair loss and everything else that went with it. 

Here’s some tips from my personal experience to help you during the first day of your web series production: 

1.) Get some sleep the night before. 

With proper planning and a little luck, you’ll be in a good place the day before your shoot. You might have some last minute errands to attend to, but hopefully everything’s in place with your cast and crew and you’ve stomped out all your fires the week prior. 

You can’t prepare for everything, however, and sometimes surprises do pop up. Like your production designer needing to drop out at 9 PM the night before your shoot, sending you on a panicked late-night trip to Target to buy set pieces, props, and décor, causing you to stay up all night dressing the set yourself before a 14-hour work day. Don’t you love surprises? 

Thank God Target’s open ‘til eleven. 

Barring any disasters, get a few hours of shut-eye, so you can… 

2) Be the first person on set in the morning. 

As the Producer and/or Director of your project, you need to demonstrate leadership. The cast and crew need to know that you’re competent and can be trusted. You’ll inspire them to do their best work if they see you doing yours. So set that alarm clock (or two) and wake up early. 

An extreme example of what not to do: I worked at a job once where most days the owner of the company either didn’t come in to work, or came in very late, and would no-show to her own appointments. Many of the clients she stood up were movie stars and celebrities, which was more than a little embarrassing. I had never witnessed anything like this before, and I found myself wondering: “If the owner of this company doesn’t even care about this place, then why the heck should I?” 

Be the Captain of your ship and lead by example... 

Read more of Rebecca's tips and sign up for her webinar... 

Get Your Novel Made Into A Movie

Dear Readers.

I know there are a lot of you trying to sell a script or novel made into a movie. Read the following article from Writers Digest. It can shed light on this topic.

wd-logoHow I Got My Book Optioned for a Major Motion Picture 
Have you ever been curious about what it takes to get your novel or series turned into a movie or film franchise? In today's guest post, Robert Blake Whitehill, author of the Ben Blackshaw series, sheds some light on his experiences in getting his novels optioned.
Read more ...