Starting a new writing project is always SO exciting whether you’re just writing a script to sell or your next low-budget classic. There is so much enthusiasm flowing through you as ideas race through your mind – Great One-liners, Awesome Action Sequences, and Groovy Set Pieces. You think to yourself that this script is going to practically write it’s self you have so many ideas until… SCREECH! You suddenly find yourself staring at a BLANK PAGE with nowhere to go; you’ve just hit the Writer’s Wall!
This article is designed to give you some helpful tips and writing preparations that will hopefully allow you to figure out all of your problems before you start writing so you can avoid the pesky Writer’s Block and all the problems it can cause to your mental health and script.
1. Watch Movies That Are Similar To Your Movie
The first step to helping you avoid writer’s block is to admit and come to terms with the fact: ORIGINALITY IS DEAD. Truth is, once you do this, writing your script will already become infinitely easier, so good job! Next go to your local video store and rent 5-10 movies that are similar in story and structure to your idea or logline.
Now watch the movies you’ve rented and study them! Watching movies similar to your script will help you see how the story works, what moves the scenes and story forward, how characters achieve their goals and overcome their quirks. I know to some this will seem not creative but this is how many professionals do it, and trust me every story has already been told so what your goal should be is to find a way to tell it differently or better. DON’T TRY AND REINVENT THE WHEEL!
2. Reverse Engineer Your Script
You wouldn’t build a car without knowing how it should look at the end; well the same rule applies with screenwriting. Know how you want the story to end – What should your main character achieve? What will have they overcomer? What have they learned? What happens to their surrounding environment (if applicable)? By answering this question it will give you, the writer, a goal to work towards and more knowledge about what parts and conflicts you’ll need to include in your script in order to get you character and story to the finish line. This same technique also works for writing each individual scene?!
3. Outline Your Movie
Every movie consists roughly of 35-40 scenes, so to properly outline your movie you should have at least 35 different bullet points/scenes in your outline. Now everyone has their own approach to outlining, but what I find effective is to write only 1-2, certainly no more than 3 sentences describing the action and goal of each scene. Then once I have my whole movie worked out in very broad strokes I go back and re-outline the entire movie, but this time filling in all the fun details, one liners, funny gags, and action sequences that I have in my head. If you do this I can guarantee you will have a solid story and a way easier time writing your first draft, because it’s way easier to fix problems in the prep stage then when you’re already half-way through your script.
4. Know Your Main Character
Before you start writing figure out who your Main Character is – What kind of quirks does he/she have? What do they look like? Have a great mental image in your head of what they look like, this will help you write more believable actions and dialogue for your character.
If you don’t have ideas for who or what your main character should look and act like, try looking at famous character archetypes that already exist and ask yourself – Is he/she the smart but clumsy kid? Are they the hunk? Or are they the warrior seeking revenge? Make sure you ask all these questions and really figure out who fits best for your idea, because by doing this it will not only help you with your writing but it will also allow you to be able to move faster.
5. Give Your Character Flaws And Goals
Creating Flaws and Goals for your main character can be one of the most difficult tasks, but if you can figure these two things out before you start writing it can help you avoid a collision with the dreaded Writer’s Wall. By having defined flaws and goals it helps set-up your character and their arc; it also gives your character problems that need to be fixed in order for them to achieve their goal, which allows you, as a writer, to keep your script focused and clean.
Well that’s it for this post! I hope it helps you to avoid Writer’s Block or any snags you may encounter during the writing process. Remember the more prep you do before you start writing the better off you’re going to be. So before you start your next script be sure to:
- Watch Movies That Are Similar To Your Movie
- Reverse Engineer Your Script, Outline Your Movie
- Outline Your Movie
- Know Your Main Character
- Give Your Character Flaws And Goals.
As always if you have any tips or tricks that you do to help avoid a collision with Writer’s Block be sure and leave a comment below, we would love to hear what works for you!
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Go forward and win! |
Logline Service
I have been getting a lot of request for loglines. I give different prices . Since I have so many requests for this service, I decided to set a single fix price.Logline: $5.00 Flat Fee
A synopsis or summery is required. It well be used to form the logline. The logline is just one line.
The 15% discount on Critiques will continue through June
Critique: $50.00 Flat Fee, Discount fee $42.50
Includes evaluating the basis elements of a script
- Introduction
- Development
- Climax
- Conclusion
- Character development
- Mid point development
Critiques also provide suggestions for improvements and enhancement.
Payments are made by Paypal or cashier check by mail.
Other services are at regular price.
Query Letters: $25.00 Flat Fee
Other services are at regular price.
Query Letters: $25.00 Flat Fee
Editing: $45.00 Flat Fee
- Evaluating formatting to industry standards
- Spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.
Editing: 2 weeks
Critique: 2 weeks
Query Letters: 2 weeks
Feel free to contact me at or
Feel to call me at (360) 696-4298. Ask for Frances.
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