Monday, April 28, 2014

Join Advanced Novel Working Shop May 1, 2014

Hello readers.

This morning I have some info about a  writing work shop being offered by Writer's Digest. If you are able I advise you to enroll in it. These classes can really help.

The Advanced Novel Workshop has five (three-week long) sessions. Over the fifteen weeks
 of class you will submit 10,000 words (approximately 40 pages) for instructor review each
 session. For session one you will also submit a brief synopsis. Writing this synopsis will
 help you focus upon your ideal plot. You will have the opportunity to participate in the
 peer critique section of the class with others who choose to participate. Knowing how
  to provide a good critique to other writers will make you a better writer. Take advantage
 of this time to strengthen your skills. You can become a novelist when you are
 dedicated to your craft. Terri Valentine instructs the session that begins on
 May 1st. Join the class and reveal your novel.

"I enjoy working with writers in this class. Gives me a chance to really see

what kind of writer they are. This is the class where most of my

'successes' have come from--those who go on to publish. It is

a great class for getting the feedback on a manuscript that can

help shape it into a marketable product."

  ~ Terri Valentine
A former student said, "This was the most valuable online writing workshop
  I've ever done (and I have done several)." Another student said, "My writing
 has improved dramatically. The instructor, Terri Valentine, was fantastic." In
 this course, you’ll also learn specific tips for outlining and how not to write
 a novel. By the end of this workshop you will have the tools and know-how
 to write a great novel.

Develop Your Novel. Join the Advanced Novel Writing Workshop. There
 are limited seats available so sign up soon.
All upcoming courses can be viewed at this link.

Thank you for being part of the writing community.
Advanced Novel Writing
with Terri Valentine

Terri Valentine has ten romance
 novels and a short story in publication.
  Sweet Paradise was nominated for
 Best Romance Adventure by
Romantic Times. Louisiana Caress
 received a coveted K.I.S.S Award
from Romantic Times. Storm Dancer
 was a single release title from Zebra,
 followed by the release of
Paradise Promised. At present
she is under contract for two more
 historicals, and she is currently
working on a high-concept romantic

Following in her mentor's footsteps,
she has eagerly critiqued manuscripts
 and helped other beginning novelists
 learn the taxing craft of writing, many
 of whom have gone on to publish.