Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Producers, Agents, & Managers Seeking Screenplays

(This was sent to me in an email. I suggest purchasing this book. click where indicated.)

SPECIAL PRICE FOR I.S.A. MEMBERS on these newly updated,
vital resources for screenwriters:

  • Sell Your Screenplay, the e-book of 220+ Producers, Agents, and Managers Who Accept Unsolicited Queries from unknown writers
  •  The Best Movie and TV Script Analysts And Consultants (As Rated By Nearly 1,000 Screenwriters)
Dear Screenwriter,

I'm the author of these two e-books for screenwriters.  The fact that you're on the International Screenwriters' Association list means that you take the craft and business of screenwriting seriously.
So I want to offer you a special price on each of these two e-books:  

Starting today (December 4, 2012), I'm putting reducing the price of these two e-books
for you for the next few days.

If you buy by the end of this week (Midnight Saturday, December 8), you'll save:

  •  $2 off Sell Your Screenplay, the Hollywood insider's directory of producers, agents, and managers who accept unsolicited queries from unknown writers (sale price $17.95 -- regular price $19.95) and
  • $1 off The Best Script Analysts As Rated By Screenwriters
    (sale price $10.95 -- regular price $11.95).

Both of these comprehensive, one-of-a-kind books are immediate-download e-books in PDF format.  To learn about these two e-books, please read the information below. Click the links to buy and download.

Bill Donovan, Author
Sell Your Screenplay Directory
Sell Your Screenplay

An e-book offered by

220* Producers, Agents And Managers
 Who Accept Unsolicited Queries

Click Here To Learn More Or To Buy And 
Instantly Download The PDF
(You will be taken Paypal, where you can pay
with a credit or debit card.  Upon payment, it
will take you to the download page.)
 Welcome to  Sell Your Screenplay, the directory of 220+ production companies, agents, and managers which have submissions policies accepting unsolicited queries (and in a very few cases, screenplays) from
unknown writers.

It is widely believed among writers that the entertainment industry is a 

fortress with high walls and closed gates designed to deter unknown writers.

Actually, in many cases, the opposite is true. There are many producers,
agents, and managers who are actively seeking new screenplays,
TV reality shows, and character-based TV show ideas.

The real difficulty for writers (until now) was:

  • finding them, and then
  • figuring out how to contact them.
That is why we did the research and created  -- and continue to add to -- Sell Your Screenplay, the directory of 220* producers, agents, and managers who are willing to receive and review a
from you.

What Is Sell Your Screenplay?

This E-book in PDF format is a directory of more than 220 producers, agents, and managers who accept unsolicited queries.  It includes:

  • The method you must use to contact the producer, agent, or manager (email, snail mail, phone, website, etc.).
  • What kind of submission and enclosures each one accepts (query, script, etc.). 
  • The name of the person to contact or the email address or precise URL to go to if no name is given as the contact.
  • What kinds of creative work each one seeks (film and/or TV; genres, themes.).
  • Producer credits in most cases.
Click HERE to see the Table of Contents

Save Time Using THIS Directory:

 In addition to those who do accept your query (or, in rare cases these days, script), 

 the directory includes:
  • "Don't waste your time" lists of producers, agents, and managers who will not accept an unsolicited query from an unproduced, unknown writer.  NOTEIf you do have an agent, The "Don't Waste Your Time" list of producers is actually a valuable "Do use this" list.
  • "Submission policy unknown" lists of agents and managers.  We decided to post these lists while we continue to research them because they may be additional places to send your work.   
Re-Introductory Sale: 
Just $17.95 For A Limited Time, $7 Off The Prior $24.95 Price

Sell Your Screenplay has just been updated.  We've improved the "How To Write A Query Letter" section and several other sections of the e-book.

Free Winter-Sping 2013 Update If You Buy Now

Our researchers are busy researching the submissions policies of nearly 1,000 other producers, agents, and managers between now and midwinter 2012-2013.  Buy now at this discount price, and you will receive the Winter-Spring 2013 updated version of the e-book with these new entries at no cost.   We will email it to you when the update is published.

Others will pay the new full price ($19.95 or higher) for the updated version.

As we re-launch this improved directory, we are continuing our research on about 1,000 more producers, and about 100 agents and management companies for which we have not yet not found their submissions policies.  Over  the coming months, we will contact most of these organizations and ask them what their policies are.  Spot-checking has led us to believe that we will add about 50 production companies and about another 50 agents and managers to the list through this additional research.

In other words, the best deal is to pay the low introductory price now.

--Bill Donovan, author
Click Here To Learn More Or To 
Buy And Instantly Download The PDF

(You will be taken to a Paypal payment form, then redirected to download)

Don't pass it up. 
Dantalian no Shoka
Knowledge is power.

I have been getting a lot of request for loglines. I give different prices . Since I have so many requests for this service, I decided to set a single fix price.

Logline: $5.00 Flat Fee

A synopsis or summery is required. It well be used to form the logline. The logline is just one line.


Critique: $50.00 Flat Fee, 

 Includes evaluating the basis elements of a script

  •  Introduction
  •  Development
  •  Climax
  •  Conclusion
  • Character development 
  •  Mid point development

Critiques also provide suggestions for improvements and enhancement. 

Payments are made by Paypal or cashier check by mail.

Other services are at regular price.

Query Letters: $25.00 Flat Fee  

Editing: $46.00 Flat Fee
  •  Evaluating formatting to industry standards
  •  Spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.

Turnaround time:

Editing: 2 weeks

Critique: 2 weeks
Query Letters: 2 weeks

Feel free to contact me at or
Feel to call me at (360) 696-4298. Ask for Frances.

I also critique and edit books. I am currently organizing the service prices for working on books. If you are interested in me critiquing or editing a novel you have written, feel free contact me.
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Writer's Digest Short Story Competition



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Great News. The deadline for entries has been extended to December 17th.
Do you have a winning short story of 1,500 words or fewer? Would you like a shot at national recognition for your work? Imagine the effect winning or ranking in a highly respected story competition could have on your résumé and publishing career. The 13th Annual Writer's Digest Short Short Story Competition is on now.
Enter your short short story today and you could:
  • Win up to $3,000 cash-Plus, more cash and prizes awarded to the top 25 entries
  • Get national exposure for your work-The winner will be featured in Writer's Digest magazine, and the top 25 entries will be published in the 2013 Writer's Digest Short Story Competition Collection
  • Win a paid trip to New York City-The first-place winner will be sent to the Writer's Digest Conference in New York City!

 Polish up your manuscript of 1,500 words or fewer and enter the Writer's Digest Short Short Story Competition today.