Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13, 2013View this email with images »

This email was sent to: by The Writers Store
3510 West Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA, 91505 U.S.A.

I have been getting a lot of request for loglines. I give different prices . Since I have so many requests for this service, I decided to set a single fix price.

Logline: $5.00 Flat Fee

A synopsis or summery is required. It well be used to form the logline. The logline is just one line.


Critique: $55.00 Flat Fee, 

 Includes evaluating the basis elements of a script

  •  Introduction
  •  Development
  •  Climax
  •  Conclusion
  • Character development 
  •  Mid point development

Critiques also provide suggestions for improvements and enhancement. 

Payments are made by Paypal or cashier check by mail.

Other services are at regular price.

Query Letters: $27.00 Flat Fee  

Editing: $47.00 Flat Fee
  •  Evaluating formatting to industry standards
  •  Spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.

Turnaround time:

Editing: 2 weeks

Critique: 2 weeks
Query Letters: 2 weeks

Feel free to contact me at or
Feel to call me at (360) 696-4298. Ask for Frances.

I also critique and edit books. I am currently organizing the service prices for working on books. If you are interested in me critiquing or editing a novel you have written, feel free contact me.
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Meet the Reader: Ten Points to Ponder When You Write

Hello, everyone!

Script reader Ray Morton gives ten solid things you should consider before sitting down to write any script. To help you build your story. 

Click below to read the Ray's Full Article

Learn all ten points every story needs to consider »