Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Ins and Outs on Screenwriting!

Hay, everyone!

Here's a whole bunch of articles for scripts writers from my SCRIPT MAGAZINE newsletter.

SUBMISSIONS INSANITY: Number 1 Submission Mistake Screenwriters Make
Bang2write's Lucy V on the number 1 submission mistake writers make - which can happen LONG before you even query anybody! But what is it?
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Entertainment Attorney Christopher Schiller discusses work made for hire - who owns it and what do you do need to know before you sign on?
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BEHIND THE LINES WITH DR: Writing Process - The Fog at the End of the Tunnel
Every writer has their own stumbling blocks in the writing process. Doug Richardson shares his challenges when pushing toward THE END.
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Industry Insider Screenwriting Contest
The majority of our past finalists gained representation and met with top production companies, with one lucky winner selling his script to Universal. Now, it’s your turn to show Hollywood what you can do. Just write up to the first 15 pages of an original script based on one or more of the provided loglines to get a chance at winning a mentorship to help you complete the first draft!
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Essentials of Having an Active Protagonist + Exclusive FREE Download
Begin on this page by exploring the definition and essentials of having a strong protagonist, followed by a few examples. Then be sure you get your FREE download of 4 Crucial Questions for Your Protagonist to learn how to create an active protagonist to drive your story!
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ScriptMag Archives: Building the World of Your Screenplay: Your First 10 Pages
ScriptMag looks back at older articles that still pack value for today's screenwriter. Danny Manus, screenwriting consultant and producer, discusses the importance of nailing the first 10 pages of your screenplay.
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MEET THE READER: 'Birdman' OR the Importance of Keeping an Open Mind
Ray Morton explores the notion that Birdman presents most emphatically: that there are good types of movies and bad types of movies.
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BUILDING A BRIDGE TO HOLLYWOOD: Writing Partnerships Take Caution
Writing Partnerships Take Caution – You'll start out hot and heavy with epic ideas bouncing around, but a lot of writing relationships bite the dust.
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Learn How to Double Your Odds of Success with our FREE Download: Script to Novel Writing Tips!
Why only get part of the benefit of your script? Don't just stop there, adapt it to a novel for even more reach with these script to novel writing tips!
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TV WRITING TIPS & TRICKS: Storylines - How to Create Narrative Stretch
Yvonne Grace digs into the art of writing storylines for television and show how to create narrative stretch in television series writing.
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WHAT IS STORY?: Story Types, Plot Types, Themes & Genres
Jerry Flattum explores the varying plot types, story types, themes and genres to help you write a marketable screenplay.
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SELLING YOUR SCREENPLAY PODCAST: Seed&Spark Founder & CEO Emily Best Talks Crowdfunding
Ashley Scott Meyers talks with Seed&Spark Founder and CEO of Emily Best about how to crowdfund your next project. Emily offers a wide range of tips on how to succeed with crowdfunding.
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WRITER'S EDGE: Brainstorming Technique - Odd Couples
Steve Kaire gives brainstorming tips using odd couples. Odd Couples is a brainstorming technique involving two people from opposite extremes and throwing them together in conflict.
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SCRIPT GODS MUST DIE: Adaptation, Get It On Paper
Paul Peditto discusses adaptation and the most important first step... getting the rights.
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LEGAL 411: What Screenwriters Need to Know About Submission Releases
Entertainment attorney Dinah Perez shares with screenwriters what a submission release is and what you should be mindful of when signing one.
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Get Your FREE Screenwriting Downloads
As our gift to our loyal readers, ScriptMag is giving away FREE Screenwriting Downloads! Check back often, as we offer new ones each month.

The filmmaking industry has a certain expectation of not only how a script for a movie or TV show is written but also of how to market your script and yourself. In our FREE downloads, you’ll receive expert advice on how to create a logline, how to structure an outline, TV writing, and tips on how to move your plot forward using your character’s inner journey, and more!

Get your FREE DOWNLOADS today!

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